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Moments  of
Thirty Days of Active Gratefulness

By Mindy Curtiss

In today's fast-paced world, it's not uncommon to experience stress and anxiety from time to time. These emotions are natural responses to life's challenges, but when they become chronic or overwhelming, they can have a significant impact on our mental and physical well-being. Learning then how to recognize when we are starting to feel anxious and having the tools to combat that anxiety is key.  

The first thing to realize is that our thoughts control our emotions, and our emotions control our actions.  So, if our thoughts control our emotions, it makes it that much more important to control them. The good news is, we can do this! We have the power to change our thoughts and shift our focus from negative thoughts and worries to gratitude and thankfulness. Gratitude changes our brain chemistry. When we are grateful our brain releases dopamine and serotonin, which are our “feel good” chemicals in our body. And when we are feeling happy…we can’t be anxious. And when we don’t feel anxious, we don’t feel things like shame, guilt, worry, or any other negative emotions. (Dark cannot live in the light).


This book is designed to help you start shifting your focus. Each morning, list 10 things that you are thankful for. (A good place to start is being thankful for waking up!). Then I want you to think of three people you have been struggling with. Release them. Forgive them. Send them love. Let them go. Then spend five minutes in prayerful meditation. Go over those 10 things and give thanks for them, then set your intentions and plans for the day. When you start your morning with gratitude, you start your day with peace of mind and a happy heart and that follows you throughout the day.

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